General FAQ

What is SpaceSwap?

SpaceSwap is a unique aggregator that aims to unite the most popular DeFi protocols in a one-stop station.

What are the core features of SpaceSwap?

SpaceSwap Interstellar & Shadow Farming Booster SpaceSwap Blockchain Bridge SpaceSwap Starter Launchpad Index Token Platform Blender for minting SHAKE tokens White label solutions

What are your active chains?

There are three active blockchains: Ethereum, BSC and Avalanche.

Which wallet is applicable? MetaMask wallet is recommended.

Native tokens (MILK2 & SHAKE)

How to buy a MILK2 or SHAKE token?

Here’s the step-by-step guide for you on how to buy our tokens and where: https://bit.ly/3wCiWda

Blender for minting SHAKE. How does it work?

You can burn your MILK2 tokens in our Blender tool and mint SHAKE tokens instead. The current conversion rate of MILK2 into SHAKE tokens can be checked on the Blender page: https://spaceswap.app/blender .

SHAKE price is raising (+1 MILK2 per token) with each SHAKE token minted. Such tokenomics allow the system to mint all SHAKE tokens over time and divide MILK2 into a fixed emission. This will provide certain motivation for investing in our project by incentivizing investors with easy entry, due to the MILK2 and SHAKE emission being fixed. In addition, our community voted for the reducing number of SHAKE total supply from 10k to 5k ( https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/kjrv5tzd51-the-community-has-spoken-the-new-spacesw ) and since SHAKE contract doesn't have a feature to burn tokens, we have sent 5k SHAKE to zero contract address (you can find a link to this transaction at the Blender page), from which no one can ever withdraw. Note that Etherscan shows an incorrect number of SHAKE total supply because it is not able to delete the data about unburnt coins. Other info on SHAKE as price, available SHAKE to mint, SHAKE supply and etc. can be found on the page: https://spaceswap.app/blender . Blender works only on ETH chain currently.

What are the tokens’ use cases?

MILK2 and SHAKE are the native SpaceSwap tokens. Their main difference is their supply and use cases. MILK2 is a governance token. It is distributed as the reward for staking LP tokens and enables users to vote. MILK2 is a farmable token, while SHAKE, on the other hand, can only be bought or minted (https://spaceswap.app/blender ). There are 5,000 SHAKE tokens in total, so it's quite a rare one, whereas there are 65.2mMILK2 tokens. SHAKE holders get extra MILK2.

More information on the tokens can be seen here: https://docs.spaceswap.app/spaceswap/benefits-for-milk2-and-shake-holders

More use cases for both tokens can be found here: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/rk0hj0lme1-hold-to-rule-the-world-benefits-for-milk

MILK2 distribution for SHAKE holders

According to the SpaceSwap appreciation program, we distribute 2.5% of all MILK2 tokens farmed via Interstellar among SHAKE holders who hold 1 or more SHAKE tokens over the course of 100,000 blocks for Ethereum and 466,000 blocks for Binance Smart Chain. Check the distribution dates here: https://spaceswap.app/distribution

Do you have a cross-chain bridge?

Yes, thanks to our SpaceSwap bridge, users are given an opportunity to migrate their SHAKE or MILK2 tokens between ETH, BSC, Avalanche chains. Link: https://spaceswap.app/new-bridge

Do you have a Governance system?

All the decisions about the future development of SpaceSwap projects are most usually made by the community. To make decisions, we use the well-established Snapshot (https://snapshot.org/#/ ) service. Each active user is able to vote on and create their own voting proposals with the help of the project’s governance token, MILK2.

Are you on CoinMarketCap / Coingecko?

SHAKE on Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/shake/

MILK2 on Coinmarketcap: https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/milk2/

SHAKE on Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/shake

MILK2 on Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/milk2

What is your contract address?

SHAKE CONTRACT ON ETHERSCAN https://etherscan.io/token/0x6006FC2a849fEdABa8330ce36F5133DE01F96189

MILK2 CONTRACT ON ETHERSCAN https://etherscan.io/token/0x80c8c3dcfb854f9542567c8dac3f44d709ebc1de?a=0x956754c96377f26a5b0035e7638515382aecb907

SHAKE CONTRACT ON BSCSCAN https://bscscan.com/token/0xba8a6ef5f15ed18e7184f44a775060a6bf91d8d0

MILK2 CONTRACT ON BSCSCAN https://bscscan.com/token/0x4a5a34212404f30c5ab7eb61b078fa4a55adc5a5

SHAKE CONTRACT ON SNOWTRACE https://snowtrace.io/token/0xc1d02e488a9ce2481bfdcd797d5373dd2e70a9c2

MILK2 CONTRACT ON SNOWTRACE https://snowtrace.io/token/0x721c299e6bf7d6a430d9bea3364ea197314bce09

Interstellar farming

How to provide liquidity and stake LP tokens to farm MILK2?

Press "add liquidity" of the pool you want

Go to the Uniswap/PancakeSwap

Provide your liquidity and receive LP tokens Go back to Interstellar page and press "STAKE"


Check the detailed guide here: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/u80zahmgs1-a-complete-guide-to-shadow-staking-on-bi

And here: https://blog.spaceswap.app/tpost/5ch0tm9ti1-shadow-farming-on-the-avalanche-version

How does Shadow Staking technology work?

Shadow Farming is a unique and revolutionary way to stake LP tokens. ‌Shadow Farming has the following advantages:

  • Ultimate safety. Users don’t have to move their tokens from a MetaMask wallet, so their savings cannot be stolen, even if the SpaceSwap platform is hacked.

  • No extra Gas fees to be paid. Users don’t need to remove their liquidity from Uniswap pools and move them to SpaceSwap, which means no extra steps or commissions involved. That saves users Ether.

  • It’s fast. The setup process for Shadow Farming in SpaceSwap takes just a couple of minutes. When a user connects their browser wallet and confirms the farming, all pools are connected automatically.

Do you have single staking?

There’s no classic single staking with rewards at the moment, though we have MILK2 and SHAKE staking, which provide users with the opportunity to take part in the IDO of new projects. Also, we often take part in partner pools so we can learn of current promotions - please refer questions to our support team.


How to increase your APY with Booster / which steps are needed to make Booster work?

The Booster "boosts up" the farming power. In other words, this product allows you to multiply your APY by locking up your MILK2 tokens. The more coins you lock, the bigger interest you get. It means that if you stake in the Booster, you will get a bigger share of the farming reward at each block compared with those who do not use the Booster. Important note: the booster alone will not give you any return. It will higher your return only in case you use our Interstellar pools https://spaceswap.app/pools/interstellar

Please check on how the Booster works here and make sure you’ve done all the steps correctly: https://docs.spaceswap.app/spaceswap/products/booster

SpaceSwap Starter Launchpad

How to participate in the SpaceSwap Starter launchpad’s sale event?

In order to participate in the sale events held by the SpaceSwap Starter, you need to stake your MILK2 or SHAKE tokens on the SpaceSwap Starter launchpad page and register for the sale once the registration opens: https://spaceswap.app/launchpad The minimum stake is 5,000 MILK2 for the BSC network. The minimum and maximum amounts will change according to the specific campaign. Every registered participant of the token sale will be receiving their own token allocation, based on their share of the total amount staked. Important tip: you can stake your tokens at any time so that you always have them prepared for any token sale you choose in the future. Check the detailed guide here: https://docs.spaceswap.app/spaceswap/products/spaceswap-starter/bsc-guide

Do you have an IDO calendar?

We have a fully-fledged IDO calendar for SpaceSwap Starter main page. https://spaceswap.app/launchpad

Which recent projects have you carried out sale events for?

All information about previous sales can be found on the main page of the launchpad. https://spaceswap.app/launchpad

Index tokens

What is an Index Token Platform and how does it work?

SpaceSwap Index is a platform for buying index tokens (sets of tokens). Index tokens are pairs of tokens which are designed to lower the risks present in crypto, i.e. volatility. SpaceStableIndex (SSI) is a digital ERC-20 asset. In the current version, it is a fully funded stablecoin portfolio that contains coins such as DAI, TUSD, USDT, USDC and sUSD.

You can find more details on this right here: https://docs.spaceswap.app/spaceswap/products/index-token-platform

Do you have White Label solutions?

We will soon launch our new service called SpaceSwap Whitelabel Station. We will sell our unique Shadow Farming technology along with a booster and bridge as whitelabel solutions, which can be purchased via MILK2 tokens.

Basic troubleshooting guide

The harvest button does not respond

First of all, let’s try to do these steps:

Clear your cache Reload the page Reconnect your wallet

We recommend that you use a Chrome browser and clear the cache by holding down the Ctrl+Shift+R keys. If the error appears again, please contact the Support team for further assistance.

Claim button on the launchpad page is not working

Try the following steps:

  • Please disconnect your wallet, clear the cache Ctrl+shift+r and reconnect

  • Make sure you are connecting the same wallet you participated during the sale event with

  • Make sure it is on the correct network

  • Make sure you have not claimed your allocated tokens before and that you are claiming according to the vesting schedule. Vesting schedule can be different for each sale event, so we recommend you to clarify this information from the Support team.

If the steps mentioned above don’t help, please contact the Support team for further assistance.

In case you are not able to see your numeric data on the SpaceSwap Starter Claim page or when checking your stake on the SpaceSwap Starter launchpad page, there could be a browser conflict with the MetaMask extension. Therefore, we suggest you to try the following steps:

  1. Open a new Incognito mode window (CMD+Shift+N for Mac, Ctrl+Shift+N for Windows users).

  2. Switch back to the Incognito window and log in to MetaMask as normal. Choose the Network you need.

How to switch the networks in your wallet

After successfully connecting your MetaMask wallet, switch the network inside the wallet (the website interface is different for each chain), so that it’s easier for you to identify which network you are connected to. Note: we currently have three active chains, namely Ethereum, BSC and Avalanche.

What are the prerequisites for participating in events held by the SpaceSwap Starter launchpad?

To participate in any SpaceSwap Starter event, users need to stake SpaceSwap’s native MILK2 token. The minimum stake is 5,000 MILK2 for the BSC network. The minimum and maximum amounts will change with each specific campaign.

Switch your MetaMask to BSC. Proceed to the SpaceSwap Starter page: https://spaceswap.app/launchpad

Note: to participate in a token sale on Binance Smart Chain, you need to stake MILK2 BEP-20 tokens. To purchase these, please use PancakeSwap https://pancakeswap.finance/. You can purchase MILK2 paired with BNB or SHAKE tokens. MILK2 contract address to pair with BNB (https://pancakeswap.finance/swap#/swap?outputCurrency=0x4a5a34212404f30c5ab7eb61b078fa4a55adc5a5 : 0x4a5a34212404f30c5ab7eb61b078fa4a55adc5a5 )

I staked 5,000 MILK2 on SpaceSwap Starter. What will my allocation be? How do you calculate it?

Let’s say Anna, Beth and Dylan decide to participate in the token sale. The amount of MILK2 they each stake is as follows: Anna - 5,000 MILK2; Beth - 5,000 MILK2; and Dylan - 10,000 MILK2. The total amount (100%) of staked MILK2 is 20,000. Anna gets 25%, Beth also gets 25% and Dylan gets 50% of the allocation. That means that Anna and Beth will each be able to buy 25% of the tokens sold during the event, while Dylan will be able to buy 50%. Note: they are not obliged to buy these tokens. Allocations only give you the RIGHT to buy. Whether you buy or not and how much you buy - that is your own decision. Important tip: you can stake your tokens at any time so that you are always prepared for any token sale you choose in the future.

I staked my MILK2 on the SpaceSwap Starter launchpad. Am I guaranteed to receive an allocation for sale events?

Staking alone does not guarantee you an allocation. After staking your tokens, you will need to register for the sale. Push the ‘PARTICIPATE’ button for this. This button stays inactive if one or more token sale conditions are not met. Note: the registration process on the platform operates on the FCFS principle and the number of participant slots for every event is announced separately in the official announcements. You will not be allowed to register for any of the campaigns if you have not signed the User Agreement. You will not be able to register if you do not have a minimum of MILK2 staked prior to the registration stage (the contract will not count it as there will be nothing to count). The registration stage includes: 1) Approval of the payment tokens (stablecoins will be officially announced). We suggest that you have some tokens in your wallet before the start of the registration stage. 2) Registration. (Please note: the APPROVE button will be replaced by the PARTICIPATE button).

I staked the needed amount of MILK2 tokens and signed the User Agreement, but the APPROVE or PARTICIPATE button is not active after the official start of the registration stage.

In this case, we suggest that you refresh the page and reset the cache. If this does not help, go back to the Staking page and check if there is a User Agreement pop-up window. If there is one, sign the User Agreement and proceed to the Registration page. The button will also be inactive if all participant slots have already been taken.

The buttons and the screen have a delayed response on the Registration page.

If the buttons and the screen have a delayed response (in your opinion), do not click them again. Wait for the front-end to update after the transactions have gone through. By clicking the buttons again, you will increase the waiting period.

I want to increase my allocation after registering. Is this possible?

You can add funds to your MILK2 stake in order to increase your allocation. After adding more funds, you will again need to click on the PARTICIPATE button — your added stake will be counted and the allocation amount will change. After registering, you will be able to see your preliminary allocation. You will see this change in real time (you may need to refresh the website), reflecting your total amount of staked MILK2 and your share of the total.

How do I check whether I have been successfully registered for the sale event?

After the registration is complete, you will see the ‘REGISTERED’ button.

Last updated

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